Our home has walls, a floor, and a ceiling. It’s not perfect – the roof leaks and paints peeling.
It’s falling apart. It’s old, dirty, and small. The powers even coming out of the wall.
The entire place is a little sketchy. Not even one corner has been left empty!
Every nook and crannys been filled with junk. During winter we even found a dead skunk.
We fill our bath with a hose from the sink. At least, we are clean and we don’t always stink!
Don’t mind the mice, and the shrew, and the vole. We’ve tried many times to take back some control.
They run the show, so we don’t even bother. If you catch one, there is always another.
Don’t mind the laundry, it’s piled up for a reason. The washer quit working sometime last season.
The chimney is cracked and it might be right clogged. We’re not worried, so throw in another log.
When friends come to visit we clean the place up. I make us some coffee and we enjoy a cup.
We share stories, we laugh, we have a great time. They ignore all the faults, the dirt, and the grime.
We do what we can to keep it maintained. We make sure to empty the pots when it’s rained.
Our home needs some work and that is okay. People still wonder how we can live this way.
It’s our home and it’s what we have been given. It is not what most would ever envision.
But we do what we can to fill it with love, and pray to God no more leaks drip down from above.
Always fixing, trying to laugh through the stress. How can we complain over such a small mess?
We have a home and that’s more than some can say. A home where we learn, laugh, love, cry, work, and play.
Our home is filled with so many memories. Memories that will last for centuries.
Written by KD